Book Collection


We have develop a Damage Control and PPE Book Collection area, listing the books found over the years that have been published that tell the many stories about damage control and personnel protection.  If you know of any others please send them onto us so we can add to the collections in this area.


In addition The Navy Professional Reading Program was developed to encourage a life long habit of reading and learning among all sailors. The books included in these collections can provide the reader a deeper understanding and appreciation for naval heritage, the profession of arms, and the complex modern world in which we all operate.  The readings included in these collections have been categorized by experience level  as well as the nature of the subject matter.


Additionally Audio and/or Ebook downloads are available on the Navy General Library Downloadable Books & Music page of Navy Knowledge Online (NKO). When you visit the site through this avenue you can only browse titles.  To access the site's full features and download books you must log into NKO at  Note: Audio books can be "checked-out" and downloaded for a period of up to 28 days. They can be downloaded to MP3 players, and/or IPODs. Due to security restrictions associated with NMCI, these files cannot be downloaded onto an NMCI computer, nor can personally owned portable listening devices be connected to the NMCI equipment. Therefore, you can download the files, but you will have to do it from your home computer. A review of these restrictions is being made, and we will advise you when and if the situation changes.